
Researchers from various research institutes and universities are conducting research at the Ogawa Forest Reserve. Here are some of the researchers.

Representative of OFR



Kyoto University / Associate Professor

Research interest: functional traits, plant-soil feedback, plant-herbivore 

                              interaction, biodiversity, ecosystem function

E-mail: kurokawa.hiroko.4r'at'

HP: google scholar, researchmap

Shoji NAOE


Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) / Senior Researcher

Research interest: forest ecology, seed dispersal by animal, recruitment

E-mail: naoeshoji'at'

HP: google scholar, researchmap, website


Alphabetical list of current Members

Hideki MORI


Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) / Researcher

Research interest: forest ecology, forest genetics, ecology of lianas

E-mail:  s1010750'at', morih'at'

HP: google scholar, researchmap, website



Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) / Director General

Research interest: plant ecology, biodiversity, forest ecology

E-mail: XXXXXX'at'

HP: google scholar, researchmap


Michio OGURO


Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) / Senior Researcher

Research interest: 

E-mail: XXXXXX'at'

HP: google scholar, researchmap




Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) / Chief

Research interest: masting, forest ecology

E-mail: shibarin'at'

HP: researchmap


Hiroshi TANAKA


Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) / Fellow, 

Japan International Forestry Promotion Center (JIFPRO)


Research interest: forest ecology focusing on forest dynamics, tree life history, human-forest relationship

E-mail: hiroshi'at'

HP: google scholarresearchmap



Hokkaido Research Organization / Chief Researcher

Research interest: conservation ecology, seed dispersal

E-mail: tsunamoto-yoshihiro'at'

HP: researchmap