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ID Author (original) Year Article Title Journal Volume Page URL
1 長山四郎 1984 小川小中分校の追想 四時の流れ 小川小学校閉校記念誌 Book 16  
2 Tohru Nakashizuka 1991 Research on trees demography at the Ogawa Forest Reserve, Ibaraki, Japan Permanent Plotter 4 1-2  
3 中静透 1991 森林動態の大面積長期継続研究について 日本生態学会誌 41 45-53 Link
4 曽根晃一, 高野肇 1991 人工巣穴の野ネズミ個体群の調査への応用の可能性(予報) 日本林学会誌 73 238-241 Link
5 Atushi Ishida, Yasuo Yamamura, Yoshimichi Hori 1992 Roles of leaf water potential and soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance in water use by understorey woody plants Ecological Research 7 213-223 Link
6 Keiko Kitamura, Hisato Okuizumi, Wajiro Suzuki, Susumu Shiraishi 1992 Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with allozyme loci among natural population of Carpinus laxiflora in Ogawa Forest Reserve, central Japan Journal of Japanese Forestry Society 74 346-349 Link
7 中静透 1992 樹木の生活史と森林動態に関する長期継続研究 Plant Science Tomorrow 6 19  
8 Tohru Nakashizuka, Shigeo Iida, Hiroshi Tanaka, Mitsue Shibata, Shin Abe, Takashi Masaki, Kaoru Niiyama 1992 Community dynamics of Ogawa Forest Reserve, a species rich deciduous forest, central Japan Vegetatio 103 105-112 Link
9 Takashi Masaki, Wajirou Suzuki, Kaoru Niiyama, Shigeo Iida, Hiroshi Tanaka, Tohru Nakashizuka 1992 Community structure of a species-rich temperate forest, Ogawa Forest Reserve, central Japan Vegetatio 98 97-111 Link
10 北村系子, 奥泉久人, 関剛, 新山馨, 白石進 1992 アイソザイムによるブナ・イヌブナ個体群の繁殖様式の検討 日本生態学会誌 42 61-69 Link
11 Yasuo Yamamura, Atushi Ishida, Yoshimichi Hori 1993 Differences in sapling architecture between Fagus crenata and Fagus japonica Ecological Research 8 235-239 Link
12 小南陽亮 1993 鳥類の果実食と種子散布 シリーズ地球共生系5巻「動物と植物の利用しあう関係」 Book 207-221 Link
13 Takashi Masaki, Yohsuke Kominami, Tohru Nakashizuka 1994 Spatial and seasonal patterns of seed dissemination of Cornus controversa in a temperate forest Ecology 75 1903-1910 Link
14 中静透 1994 森林群集はどこまで解明されたか -樹木個体群の解析から 森林科学 10 14-19 Link
15 中静透 1994 マスティング研究が示唆する樹木個体群生態学の現状と問題点 個体群生態学会会報 52 63-66  
16 Tohru Nakashizuka, Toshio Katsuki, Hiroshi Tanaka 1995 Forest canopy structure analyzed by using aerial photographs Ecological Research 10 13-18 Link
17 Mitsue Shibata, Tohru Nakashizuka 1995 Seed and seedling demography of four co-occruing Carpinus species in a temperate deciduous forest Ecology 76 1099-1108 Link
18 Tohru Nakashizuka, Shigeru Iida, Takashi Masaki, Mitsue Shibata 1995 Evaluating increased fitness through dispersal: A comparative study on tree populations in a temperate forest, Japan Ecoscience 2 245-251 Link
19 Rob Peters, Hiroshi Tanaka, Mitsue Shibata, Tohru Nakashizuka 1995 Light climate and growth in shade-tolerant Fagus crenata, Acer mono and Carpinus cordata Ecoscience 2 67-74 Link
20 Hiroshi Tanaka 1995 Seed demography of three co-occurring Acer species in a Japanese temperate deciduous forest Journal of Vegetation Science 6 887-896 Link
21 Shin Abe, Takashi Masaki, Tohru Nakashizuka 1995 Factors influencing sapling composition in canopy gaps of a temperate deciduous forest Vegetatio 120 21-32 Link
22 田中浩 1995 樹木はなぜ種子生産を大きく変動させるのか 個体群生態学会会報 52 15-25  
23 Tohru Nakashizuka 1996 Factors maintaining forest tree diversity DIWPA series 1 51-62 Link
24 Katsue Fukamachi, Shigeo Iida, Tohru Nakashizuka 1996 Landscape patterns and plant species diversity of forest reserves in the Kanto region, Japan Plant Ecology 124 107-114 Link
25 Takenori Takada, Tohru Nakashizuka 1996 Density-dependent demography in a Japanese temperate broad-leaved forest Vegetatio 124 211-221 Link
26 Shigeo Iida 1996 Quantitative analysis of acorn transportation by rodents using magnetic locator Vegetatio 124 39-43 Link
27 北村系子, 河野昭一 1996 樹木集団の個体群統計遺伝学的解析 -ブナおよびアメリカブナのメタポピュレ-ションの構造と解析- 日本生態学会誌 46 179-183 Link
28 堀良通, 河原崎里子 1996 林床に生育するキク科植物の生態 種生物学研究 20 51-56 Link
29 柴田銃江 1996 可愛い子には旅をさせよ 森の木の100不思議 Book 184-185 Link
30 Ueda A 1996 野生グリの堅果に対する虫害 日本林学会論文集 107 233-236  
31 Hiroshi Tanaka, Tohru Nakashizuka 1997 Fifteen years of canopy dynamics analyzed by aerial photographs in a temperate deciduous forest, Japan Ecology 78 612-620 Link
32 Keiko Kitamura,Kenichi Shimada, Kiyoshi Nakashima, Shoichi Kawano 1997 Demographic genetics of the Japanese beech, Fagus crenata, at Ogawa Forest Preserve, Ibaraki, central Honshu, Japan. I. Spatial genetic substructuring in local populations Plant Species Biology 12 107-135 Link
33 Keiko Kitamura,Kenichi Shimada, Kiyoshi Nakashima, Shoichi Kawano 1997 Demographic genetics of the Japanese beech, Fagus crenata, at Ogawa Forest Preserve, Ibaraki, central Honshu, Japan. II. Genetic substructuring among size-classes in local populations Plant Species Biology 12 137-155 Link
34 Keiko Kitamura,Kenichi Shimada, Kiyoshi Nakashima, Shoichi Kawano 1997 Demographic genetics of the Japanese beech, Fagus crenata, in the Ogawa Forest Preserve, Ibaraki, central Honshu, Japan. III. Population dynamics and genetic substructuring within a metapopulation Plant Species Biology 12 157-177 Link
35 正木隆, 柴田銃江, 小南陽亮 1997 森林樹木のデモグラフィー研究 -3つの大面積プロットにおける試み- 個体群生態学会会報 54 13-17  
36 柴田銃江 1997 樹木のマスティング研究における大面積長期観測試験地の有効性 -小川でのクマシデ属4種の種子生産の年変動観測- 個体群生態学会会報 54 19-23  
37 柴田銃江 1997 ブナ林の樹々が子孫を殖やすための様々なやり方 落葉果樹 50 41-42  
38 H Tanaka, M Shibata, T Nakashizuka 1997 A Mechanistic Approach for Evaluating the Role of Wind Dispersal in Tree Population Dynamics Journal of Sustainable Forestry 6 155-174 Link
39 Mitsue Shibata, Hiroshi Tanaka, Tohru Nakashizuka 1998 Causes and consequences of mast seed production of four co-occurring Carpinus species in Japan Ecology 79 54-64 Link
40 Hiroshi Tanaka, Mitsue Shibata, Tohru Nakashizuka 1998 A mechanistic approach for evaluating the role of wind dispersal in tree population dynamics Journal of Sustainable Forestry 6 155-174 Link
41 Shin Abe, Tohru Nakashizuka, Hiroshi Tanaka 1998 Effects of canopy gaps on the demography of the subcanopy tree Styrax obassia Journal of Vegetation Science 9 787-796 Link
42 Shigeo Iida, Tohru Nakashizuka 1998 Spatial and temporal dispersal of Kalopanax pictus seeds in a temperate deciduous forest, central Japan Plant Ecology 135 243-248 Link
43 Takashi Masaki, Hiroshi Tanaka, Mitsue Shibata, Tohru Nakashizuka 1998 The seed bank dynamics of Cornus controversa and their role in regeneration Seed Science Research 8 53-63 Link
44 Thoru Nakashizuka, Toshio Iwakuma 1998 Long-Term Ecological Research in Japan Long-Term Ecological Research in the East Asia-Pacific Region:Biodiversity and Conservation of Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecosystems, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan Proceeding 26-33  
45 井上大成 1998 北茨城市のスギタニルリシジミ おとしぶみ 18 1-4  
46 長岡浩子 1998 北茨城市四時川渓谷で採取されたコテングコウモリの記録 茨城生物 18 60-61  
47 柴田銃江 1998 森林で生活する樹木たちの個性豊かなライフスタイルと植物社会の秩序 ウッドミック 181 23-27 Link
48 前籐薫, 槙原寛 1999 温帯落葉樹林の皆伐後の二次遷移にともなう昆虫相の変化 Japanese Journal of Entomology 2 11-26 Link
49 Shinya Kizaki, Makoto Katori 1999 Analysis of canopy-gap structures of forests by Ising-Gibbs states -equilibrium and scaling property of real forests- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 68 2553-2560 Link
50 Kosuke Homma, Nobuhiro Akashi, Tomoyuki Abe, Mikiko Hasegawa, Kenichi Harada, Yoshihiko Hirabuki, Kiyoshi Irie, Mikio Kaji, Hideo Miguchi, Noriyasu Mizoguchi, Hiromi Mizunaga, Tohru Nakashizuka, Syunji Natume, Kaoru Niiyama, Tatsuhiro Ohkubo, Shin-ichi Sawada, Hisashi Sugita, Seiki Takatsuki, NorikazuYamanaka 1999 Geographical variation in the early regeneration process of Siebold's Beech (Fagus crenata BLUME) in Japan Plant Ecology 140 129-138 Link
51 Satoko Kawarasaki, Yoshimichi Hori 1999 Effect of flower number on the pollinator attractiveness and the threshold plant size for flowering in Pertya triloba (Asteraceae) Plant Species Biology 14 69-74 Link
52 Yuji Isagi, Tatsuo Kanazashi, Wajirou Suzuki, Hiroshi Tanaka, Tetsuto Abe 1999 Polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers for Magnolia obovata Thunb. and their utility in related species Molecular Ecology 8 698-700 Link
53 柴田銃江 1999 樹木の一斉開花結実はなぜおこるのか マスティングの実態と適応的意義 科学 69 458-466 Link
54 田中浩,柴田銃江 1999 落葉広葉樹林の不均質性の評価と動態予測 森林総合研究所所報 135 4-5 Link
55 Masaki T, Tanaka H, Tanouchi H, Sakai T, Nakashizuka T 1999 Structure, Dynamics and Disturbance Regime of Temperate Broad-Leaved Forests in Japan Journal of Vegetation Science 10 805-814 Link
56 A Sato, M Seto 1999 Relationship between rate of carbon dioxide evolution, microbial biomass carbon, and amount of dissolved organic carbon as affected by temperature and water content of a forest and an arable soil Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 30 19-20 Link
57 Yuji Isagi, Tatsuo Kanazashi, Wajirou Suzuki, Hiroshi Tanaka, Tetsuto Abe 2000 Microsatellite analysis of the regeneration process of Magnolia obovata Thunb. Heredity 84 143-151 Link
58 Shigehiro Ishizuka, Tadashi Sakata, Kazuhiro Ishizuka 2000 Methane oxidation in Japanese forest soils Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32 769-777 Link
59 石塚成宏, 阪田匡司, 谷川東子, 石塚和裕 2000 落葉広葉樹林におけるN2O生成とその空間的異質性 日本林学会誌 82 62-71 Link
60 柴田銃江 2000 冷温帯落葉広葉樹林における種子散布 森の自然史-複雑系の生態学 Book 30-42 Link
61 井上大成, 2000 文化がチョウをまもることもある 里山を考える101のヒント Book 108-109 Link
62 Ueda A 2000 Pre- and post-dispersal damage to the nuts of two beech species (Fagus cranata Blume and F. japonica Maxim.) that masted simultaneously at the same site Journal of Forest Research 5 21-29 Link
63 Ueda A 2000 Pre- and post-dispersal damage to the acorns of two oak species (Quercus serrata Thunb. And Q. mongolica Fischer) in a species-rich deciduous forest Journal of Forest Research 5 169-174 Link
64 Satoko Kawarasaki, Yoshimichi Hori 2001 Flowering phenology of understory herbaceous species in a cool temperate deciduous forest in Ogawa Forest Reserve, central Japan Journal of Plant Research 114 19-23 Link
65 Tohru Nakashizuka 2001 Species coexistence in temperate, mixed deciduous forests Trends in Ecology and Evolution 16 205-210 Link
66 山崎晃司, 小柳恭二, 辻明子 2001 茨城県でこれまでに確認された哺乳類について 茨城県自然博物館研究報告 4 103-108 Link
67 井鷺裕司 2001 マイクロサテライトマーカーで探る樹木の更新過程 森の分子生態学 Book 59-84 Link
68 久保拓弥 2001 長期観測データを解読する森林シュミレイター 科学 71 86-91 Link
69 Motohiro Hasegawa 2001 The relationship between the organic matter composition of a forest floor and the structure of a soil arthropod community European Journal of Soil Biology 37 281-284 Link
70 Hiroshi Tanaka, Yohsuke Kominami 2002 Seed dispersal Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 109-125 Link
71 Yasuko Mizoguchi, Takeshi Morisawa, Yoshikazu Ohtani 2002 Climate in Ogawa Forest Reserve Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 11-18 Link
72 Shigeo Iida, Takashi Masaki 2002 Seed dynamics Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 127-141 Link
73 Shin Abe 2002 Seedling/sapling banks and their responses to forest disturbance Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 143-154 Link
74 Kaoru Niiyama, Shin Abe 2002 Tree demography through the whole life cycle Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 155-166 Link
75 Takuya Kubo 2002 Individual ba model of forest dynamics Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 167-183 Link
76 Ichiro Terashima, Kyoko Kimura, Kosei Sone, Ko Noguchi, Atsushi Ishida, Akira Umemura, Yoosuke Matsumoto 2002 Differential analyses of effects of light environment on development of deciduous trees: Basic studies for tree growth modelling Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 187-200 Link
77 Shuichiro Yoshinaga, Masamichi Takahashi, Shuhei Aizawa 2002 Landforms and soil characteristics in Ogawa Forest Reserve Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 19-26 Link
78 Yoosuke Matsumoto, Yutaka Maruyama 2002 Gas exchange characteristics of main tree species in Ogawa Forest Reserve Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 201-213 Link
79 Yong-Mok Park, Yasushi Morikawa 2002 Habitat-related responses to water stress and flooding in deciduous tree species Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 215-228 Link
80 Moriyoshi Ishizuka, Yoshito Ochiai, Hajime Utsugi 2002 Microenvironment and growth in gaps Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 229-244 Link
81 Keiko Kitamura, Shoichi Kawano 2002 Demographic genetics of Fagus crenata population in Ogawa Forest Reserve Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 247-256 Link
82 Yuji Isagi, Tatsuo Kanazashi 2002 Gene flow analysis of Magnolia obovata Thunb. using highly variable microsatellite markers Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 257-269 Link
83 Hiroaki Okabe 2002 Dynamics of ectomycorrhizas and actinorhizal associations Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 273-284 Link
84 Wajirou Suzuki 2002 Forest vegetation in and around Ogawa Forest Reserve regarding human impacts Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 27-41 Link
85 Akira Ueda 2002 Interaction between seeds of family Fagaceae and their seed predators Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 285-298 Link
86 Tohru Nakashizuka, Moriyoshi Ishizuka, Isamu Ohkochi 2002 General conclusi Forest community ecology and its application Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 301-312 Link
87 Tohru Nakashizuka, Hiroshi Tanaka 2002 Studies on the coexistence of tree species in forest communities Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 3-7 Link
88 Hiroshi Tanaka, Tohru Nakashizuka 2002 Ground design of the research site Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 43-49 Link
89 Takashi Masaki 2002 Structure and dynamics Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 53-65 Link
90 Tohru Nakashizuka 2002 Disturbance regime Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 67-80 Link
91 Takashi Masaki, Y Matuura, M Takahashi 2002 Effect of soil condit on distribution and growth of trees Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 81-91 Link
92 Mistue Shibata, Hiroshi Tanaka 2002 Reproductive traits of trees in OFR Ecological Studies 158, Diversity and Interaction in a Temperate Forest Community Book 95-108 Link
93 Mitsue Shibata, Hiroshi Tanaka, Shigeo Iida, Shin Abe, Takashi Masaki, Kaoru Niiyama, Tohru Nakashizuka 2002 Synchronized annual seed production by 16 principal tree species in a temperate deciduous forest, Japan Ecology 83 1727-1742 Link
94 Takashi Masaki, Tohru Nakashizuka 2002 Seedling demography of Swida controversa: effect of light and distance to conspecifics Ecology 83 3497-3507 Link
95 Yoshitomo Kikuchi, Shinya Sameshima, Osamu Kitade, Junichi Kojima, Takema Fukatsu 2002 Novel Clade of Rickettsia spp. from Leeches Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68 999-1004 Link
96 安藤寿男 2002 茨城県北部~福島県南部太平洋岸地域における常磐堆積盆の地質学的研究-文献リストと研究概観 茨城県自然博物館研究報告 5 81-97 Link
97 TOTOK Mei Untarto, MAKINO Shun'ichi, GOTO Hideaki 2002 Species Compositions and Seasonal Changes in the Number of Social Wasps Collected with Malaise traps in Natural Deciduous Forests in and near the Ogawa Research Forest,Northern Kanto, Japan (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) 森林総合研究所研究報告 1 135-139 Link
98 Wasim Ahmadl and Masaaki Araki 2002 Two new and a known species of the genus Oriverutus Siddiqi, 1971 (Nematoda: Dorylaimida) from Japanドリライミダ目土壌線虫Oriverutus属の本邦産2新種および1既知種の記載 Japanese Journal of Nematology 32 31-44 Link
99 Takenari Inoue 2003 Chronosequential change in a butterfly community after clear-cutting of deciduous forests in a cool temperate region of central Japan Entomological Science 6 151-163 Link
100 Takenari Inoue 2003 Butterfly fauna in and near the Ogawa Forest Reserve 森林総合研究所研究報告 2 237-246 Link
101 Reiko Kaneko, Makoto Kakishima, Seiji Tokumasu 2003 The seasonal occurrence of endophytic fungus, Mycosphaerella buna, in Japanese beech, Fagus crenata Mycoscience 44 277-281 Link
102 上田庸平, 安藤寿男, 篠崎将俊 2003 茨城県北部の古第三系下部漸新白水層群石城層から浅貝層にかけての堆積層と古地理的意義 茨城県自然博物館研究報告 6 1-17 Link
103 小柳恭二, 辻明子, 山崎晃司 2003 茨城県におけるコウモリ類の生息分布-1997年から2001年の記録- 茨城県自然博物館研究報告 6 85-93 Link
104 Atushi Ushimaru, Akiko Fukui, Akio Imamura 2003 Effect of Floral Organ Sizes on Female Reproductive Success in Erithronium japonicum (Liliaceae) Journal of Plant Biology 46 245-249 Link
105 末吉昌宏, 前藤薫, 槙原寛, 牧野俊一, 祝輝男 2003 皆伐後の温帯落葉樹林の二次遷移に伴う双翅目昆虫群集の変化  森林総合研究所研究報告 388 121-191 Link
106 佐山勝彦, 井上大成 2003 茨城県におけるヒゲブトハナムグリの記録 水戸昆虫研究会会誌「るりぼし」 28 39  
107 Wasim Ahmadl and Masaaki Araki 2003 Four new and two known species of the family Qudsianematidae (Nematoda: Dorylaimida) from Japan 本邦産Qudsianematidae科土壌線虫 (ドリライムス目) の4新種および2未記録種の記載 Japanese Journal of Nematology 33 23-40 Link
108 Yuji Isagi, Tatsuo Kanazashi, Wajirou Suzuki, Hiroshi Tanaka, Tetsuto Abe 2004 Highly variable pollination patterns in Magnolia obovata revealed by microsatellite paternity analysis International Journal of Plant Sciences 165 1047-1053 Link
109 Robert Schlicht, Yoh Iwasa 2004 Forest gap dynamics and the Ising model Journal of Theoretical Biology 230 65-75 Link
110 Reiko Kaneko, Shinji Kaneko 2004 The effect of bagging branches on levels of endophytic fungal infection in Japanese beech leaves Forest Pathology 34 65-78 Link
111 久松正樹 2004 茨城県で記録されたハチ目昆虫 茨城県自然博物館研究報告 7 125-164 Link
112 中静透 2004 森のスケッチ 森のスケッチ Book 236pp  
113 Kawarasaki Satoko, Abe Yoshiko, Hori Yoshimichi 2004 Effect of temperature on achene germination in five Mutisieae understory herbaceous species( Asteraceae) キク科コウヤボウキ連林床草本5種の痩果の温度勾配に対する発芽反応 The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy 植物地理・分類研究 52 159-166 Link
114 T. SAITO, TERASHIMA 2004 Reversible decreases in the bulk elastic modulus of mature leaves of deciduous Quercus species subjected to two drought treatments Plant, Cell & Enviroment 27 863-875 Link
115 S. Joseph Wright, Helene C. Muller-Landau, Osvaldo Calderón, Andrés Hernandéz 2005 Annual and spatial variation in seedfall and seedling recruitment in a neotropical forest Ecology 86 848-860 Link
116 佐山勝彦, 金井節博 2005 茨城県北部におけるアシナガバチヤドリヒメバチ(ハチ目: ヒメバチ科)の記録 茨城県自然博物館研究報告 8 39-40 Link
117 阿部俊夫, 布川雅典 2005 春期の渓流における安定同位体を用いた食物網解析 日本森林学会誌 87 13-19 Link
118 阿部俊夫, 坂本知己, 田中浩, 壁谷直記, 延廣竜彦, 萩野裕章 2005 落葉広葉樹林の林床における冬期の落葉移動性 日林関東支論 56 247-248 Link
119 野口宏典, 坂本知己 2005 流下方向の被覆変化が渓流水温に与える影響 日林関東支論 56 257-258  
120 正木隆, 柴田銃江 2005 森林の広域・長期的な試験地から得られる成果と生き残りのための条件 日本生態学会誌 55 359-369 Link
121 加賀谷悦子, 井上大成 2005 北茨城市定波でクリストフコトラカミキリを採集 水戸昆虫研究会会誌「るりぼし」 32 70  
122 河原崎里子 2005 夏の森に生きる草花たち-コウヤボウキ連植物 草木を見つめる科学 Book 137-161 Link
123 井上大成 2005 北茨城市におけるキバネセセリの追加記録 水戸昆虫研究会会誌「るりぼし」 32 68  
124 井上大成, 2005 森林の成長に伴うチョウ類群集の変化 生態学から見た里やまの自然と保護 Book 36-39 Link
125 濱口京子 2005 キバジュズフシアリAnomalomyrma sp.を茨城県から記録 27 7  
126 Hattori T 2005 Diversity of Wood-inhabiting polypores in temperate forests with different vegetation types in Japan Fungal Diversity 18 73-88 Link
127 Kazuhiko Hoshizaki and Hideo Miguchi 2005 Influence of Forest Composition on Tree Seed Predation and Rodent Responses: a Comparison of Monodominant and Mixed Temperate Forests in Japan Seed Fate, CAB International book 253 Link
128 Kosei Sone, Ko Noguchi, Ichiro Terashima 2005 Dependency of branch diameter growth in young Acer trees on light availability and shoot elongation Tree Physiology 25 39–48 Link
129 佐山 勝彦,槇原 寛,井上 大成,大河内 勇 2005 誘引衝突式トラップを用いたカミキリムシ相のモニタリング調査 森林総合研究所研究報告 396 189 -199 Link
130 曽根 恒星 2005 Mechanisms of tree architecture construction: Analyses based on the pipe-model theory and biomechanics 大阪大学 卒業論文?(B) NA NA Link
131 Robert Schlicht, Yoh Iwasa 2006 Deviation from power law, spatial data of forest canopy gaps, and three lattice models Ecological Modelling 198 399-408 Link
132 Shun'ichi Makino, Hideaki Goto, Takenari Inoue, Masahiro Sueyoshi, Kimiko Okabe, Motohiro Hasegawa, Keiko Hamaguchi, Hiroshi Tanaka, Isamu Okochi 2006 The Monitoring of Insects to Maintain Biodiversity in Ogawa Forest Reserve Environmental Monitoring Assessment 120 477-485 Link
133 Shigeo Iida 2006 Dispersal patterns of Quercus serrata acorns by wood mice in and around canopy gaps in a temperate forest Forest Ecology and Management 227 71-78 Link
134 Naomi Fujimori, Hiromitsu Samejima, Tanaka Kenta, Tomoaki Ichie, Mitsue Shibata, Shigeo Iida, Tohru Nakashizuka 2006 Reproductive success and distance to conspecific adults in the sparsely distributed tree Kalopanax pictus Journal of Plant Research 119 195-203 Link
135 Naomi Fujimori, Kenta Tanaka, Toshiaki Kondo, Yoshiaki Kameyama, Yuji Isagi, Tohru Nakashizuka 2006 Microsatellite loci for a sparsely distributed species, Kalopanax pictus (Araliaceae) in Japanese temperate forests Molecular Ecology Notes 6 468-469 Link
136 Motohiro Hasegawa, Kenji Fukuyama, Shun'ichi Makino, Isamu Okochi, Takeo Mizoguchi, Tadashi Sakata, Hiroshi Tanaka 2006 Collembolan community dynamics during deciduous forests regeneration in Japan Pedobiologia 50 117-126 Link
137 阿部俊夫, 坂本知己, 田中浩, 延廣竜彦, 壁谷直記, 萩野裕章 2006 モデルによる河畔域の落葉散布パターンの評価 応用生態工学 8 147-156 Link
138 田中浩 2006 カエデ属の生活史─近縁な種の共存はいかにして可能か─ 森林の生態学 長期大規模研究からみえるもの Book 107-130 Link
139 正木隆 2006 ミズキの生活史 鳥による種子散布は本当に役立っているか 森林の生態学 長期大規模研究からみえるもの Book 131-157 Link
140 柴田銃江 2006 多くの樹種が同時に結実する意味を考える 森林の生態学 長期大規模研究からみえるもの Book 39-57 Link
141 阿部俊夫, 布川雅典, 藤枝基久 2006 森林からの有機物供給と渓流生態系 水利科学 292 1-23 Link
142 柴田銃江, 正木隆 2006 フィールドステーションの紹介 : 小川試験地(野外研究サイトから(4) 日本生態学会誌 56 209-211 Link
143 井上大成 2006 北茨城市定波からのホソバセセリの追加記録 水戸昆虫研究会会誌「るりぼし」 33 63-64  
144 柴田銃江, 安井さち子 2006 茨城県北茨城市小川群落保護林におけるコテングコウモリの樹冠部での偶発的捕獲 東洋蝙蝠研究所紀要 5 27-29  
145 Shigehiro Ishizuka, Tadashi Sakata, Satoshi Sawata, Shigeto Ikeda, Chisato Takenaka, Nobuaki Tamai, Hisao Sakai, Takanori Shimizu, Kensaku Kan-na, Shin-ichi Onodera, Nagaharu Tanaka, and Masamichi Takahashi 2006 High potential for increase in CO2 flux from forest soil surface due to global warming in cooler areas of Japan Annals of Forest Science 63 537-546 Link
146 A. USHIMARU, D. KAWASE, A. IMAMURA 2006 Flowers adaptively face down-slope in 10 forest-floor herbs Functional Ecology 20 585-591 Link
147 SHIN-ICHI AIKAWA,YOSHIMICHI HORI 2006 Effect of a multi‐stemmed growth form on matter production of an understory shrub, Stephanandra incisa Plant Species Biology 21 31-39 Link
148 Shun’ichi Makino, Hideaki Goto, Motohiro Hasegawa, Kimiko Okabe, Hiroshi Tanaka, Takenari Inoue, Isamu Okochi 2007 Degradation of longicorn beetle (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Disteniidae) fauna caused by conversion from broad-leaved to man-made conifer stands of Cryptomeria japonica (Taxodiaceae) in central Japan Ecological Research 22 372-381 Link
149 Yuji Isagi, Ryunosuke Tateno, Yu Matsuki, Akira Hirao, Sonoko Watanabe, Mitsue Shibata 2007 Genetic and reproductive consequences of forest fragmentation for populations of Magnolia obovata Ecological Research 22 382-389 Link
150 井上大成, 後藤秀章, 牧野俊一, 岡部貴美子, 大河内勇, 濱口京子, 末吉昌宏, 加賀谷悦子 2007 茨城県北東部の森林においてマレーズトラップで採集されたセミ類 森林総合研究所研究報告 6 249-252 Link
151 野口宏典, 坂本知己, 阿部俊夫 2007 落葉広葉樹に覆われた渓流の水温季節変化 関東森林研究 58 159-162  
152 新山馨, 武生雅明, 河原崎里子 2007 データベース化の功罪 : 森林動態データベース(FDDB)を例に 日本森林学会誌 89 340-345 Link
153 井上大成 2007 21世紀最初の5年間に茨城県内で確認したチョウ類成虫の記録 水戸昆虫研究会会誌「るりぼし」 36 2-109  
154 高橋潔 2007 北茨城市におけるキバネセセリの古い最終記録 水戸昆虫研究会会誌「るりぼし」 34 40  
155 井上大成, 2007 草地・森林の変遷とチョウ類の保全 日本草地学会誌 53 40-46 Link
156 Robert Schlicht & Yoh Iwasa 2007 Spatial pattern analysis in forest dynamics: deviation from power law and direction of regeneration waves Ecological Research 22 197–203 Link
157 Kenji Ono, Motohiro Hasegawa, Makoto Araki, Masahiro Amari & Masakazu Hiraide 2007 Spectrophotometrical characteristics in the near infrared region in beech (Fagus crenata) and pine (Pinus densiflora) litters at the various decomposing stages Journal of Forest Research 12 255–261 Link
158 Yu Matsuki, Ryunosuke Tateno, Mitsue Shibata, Yuji Isagi 2008 Pollination efficiencies of flower-visiting insects as determined by direct genetic analysis of pollen origin American Journal of Botany 95 925-930 Link
159 Shin Abe, Hideyo Motai, Hiroshi Tanaka, Mitsue Shibata, Yohsuke Kominami, Tohru Nakashizuka 2008 Population maintenance of the short-lived shrub Sambucus in a deciduous forest Ecology 89 1155-1167 Link
160 Atushi Ushimaru, Chikako Ishida, Shoko Sakai, Mitsue Shibata, Hiroshi Tanaka, Kaoru Niiyama, Tohru Nakashizuka 2008 The effects of human management on spatial distribution of two bumble bee species in a traditional agro-forestry Satoyama landscape Journal of Apicultural Research and Bee World 47 296-303 Link
161 Hiroshi Tanaka, Shibata Mitsue, Takashi Masaki, Shigeo Iida, Kaoru Niiyama, Shin Abe, Yohsuke Kominami, Tohru Nakashizuka 2008 Comparative demography of three coexisting Acer species in gaps and under closed canopy Journal of Vegetation Science 19 127-138 Link
162 Asako Miyamotoa, Makoto Sano 2008 The influence of forest management on landscape structure in the cool-temperate forest region of central Japan Landscape and Urban Plannning 86 248-256 Link
163 Satoshi Kikuchi, Mitsue Shibata 2008 Development of polymorphic microsatellite markers in Acer mono Maxim Molecular Ecology Resources 8 339-341 Link
164 Kenji Ono, Kouji Miki, Masahiro Amari, and Keizo Hirai 2008 Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy for the determination of lignin-derived compounds in the decomposed and humified litters of coniferous and deciduous temperate forests in Northern Kanto District, Central Japan Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 54 188-196 Link
165 Hiroshi Tanaka, Tetsuya Igarashi, Kaoru Niiyama, Mitsue Shibata, Asako Miyamoto, Takuo Nagaike 2008 Changes in plant diversity after conversion from secondary broadleaf forest to Cryptomeria plantation forest: chronosequencial changes in forest floor plant diversity Sustainability and Biodiversity Assessment on Forest Utilization Options Report 166-176 Link
166 Takuo Nagaike, Hiroshi Tanaka, Kaoru Niiyama, Mitsue Shibata, Tetsuya Igarashi, Masaaki Takyu 2008 Understory herbaceous species composition depends on tree canopy dynamics in an old-growth forest, Ogawa Forest Reserve, northern Japan Sustainability and Biodiversity Assessment on Forest Utilization Options Report 177-180 Link
167 Shun'ichi Makino, Hideaki Goto, Kimiko Okabe, Takenari Inoue, Motohiro Hasegawa, Masahiro Sueyoshi, Keiko Hamaguchi, Hiroshi Tanaka, Isamu Okochi 2008 Effects of forestry activities on insect biodiversity in Abukuma, Kanto region, temperate Japan Sustainability and Biodiversity Assessment on Forest Utilization Options Report 181-187 Link
168 Atushi Ushimaru, Chikako Ishida, Shoko Sakai, Mitsue Shibata, Hiroshi Tanaka, Takuo Nagaike, Kaoru Niiyama, Tohru Nakashizuka 2008 Spatial distribution of two bumble bee species in an agro-forestry landscape Sustainability and Biodiversity Assessment on Forest Utilization Options Report 221-226 Link
169 Ryunosuke Tateno, Yu Matsuki, Yuji Isagi, Mitsue Shibata 2008 The effects of forest fragmentation on population structure and reproductive output in populations of Magnolia obovata Sustainability and Biodiversity Assessment on Forest Utilization Options Report 239-243 Link
170 Satoshi Kikuchi, Mitsue Shibata, Hiroshi Yoshimaru, Hiroshi Tanaka, Kaoru Niiyama 2008 Analysis of mating patterns and spatial genetic structure in Acer mono using microsatellite genetic markers in conserved and fragmented forests Sustainability and Biodiversity Assessment on Forest Utilization Options Report 244-254 Link
171 Mitsue Shibata, Satoshi Kikuchi, Hiroshi Tanaka, Hiroshi Yoshimaru, Kaoru Niiyama 2008 Effects of human disturbance of forest on reproduction of a heterodichogamous maple, Acer mono Sustainability and Biodiversity Assessment on Forest Utilization Options Report 255-261 Link
172 Shoji Naoe, Shoko Sakai, Ayako Sawa, Takashi Masaki 2008 Effects of forest fragmentation on tree regeneration from bird-dispersed seeds in a temperate forest in Japan Sustainability and Biodiversity Assessment on Forest Utilization Options Report 295-301 Link
173 Asako Miyamoto, Makoto Sano 2008 The influence of forest resource use on forest landscapes in the Abukuma mountainous area in the past 90 years Sustainability and Biodiversity Assessment on Forest Utilization Options Report 49-55 Link
174 阿部俊夫, 坂本知己, 延廣竜彦, 壁谷直記, 萩野裕章, 田中浩 2008 小川群落保護林における風向・風速の観測資料(2003年11月~2006年4月) Wind data recorded at Ogawa Forest Reserve, Japan, from November 2003 to April 2006 森林総合研究所研究報告 7 245-266 Link
175 市川裕子, 落合博貴 2008 森林斜面の濁水ろ過機能に関する水路実験 日本森林学会誌 90 262-266 Link
176 正木隆 2008 ミズキ果実の豊凶の長期定点調査-種子トラップとの付き合い方- フェノロジー研究 43 1-4  
177 直江将司 2008 果実フェノロジーと種子散布者の不思議な関係をめぐって-これまでの研究・これからの研究- フェノロジー研究 43 16-19  
178 奥村みほ子 2008 森とけもの(10)堅果--森のネズミの冬の食料 山林 1484 46-49 Link
179 井上大成 2008 北茨城市小川地域からのツマグロキチョウの追加記録 水戸昆虫研究会会誌「るりぼし」 36 59  
180 井上大成 2008 北茨城市小川におけるムラサキツバメの記録 水戸昆虫研究会会誌「るりぼし」 36 59  
181 正木隆 2008 樹木個体群の動態研究は森林管理に通ずる 個体群生態学会会報 65 20-22  
182 Hattori T 2008 Wrightoporia (Basidiomycota, Hericiales) species and their allies collected in Japan Mycoscience 49 56-65 Link
183 Yasumasa Hiarta, Hiroshi Tanaka & Naoyuki Furuya 2008 Canopy and gap dynamics analysed using multi-temporal airborne laser scanner data in a temperate deciduous forest SilviLaser NA 17-19 Link
184 Shin Abe,Hideyo Motai,Hiroshi Tanaka,Mitsue Shibata,Yohsuke Kominami,Tohru Nakashizuka 2008 POPULATION MAINTENANCE OF THE SHORT-LIVED SHRUB SAMBUCUS IN A DECIDUOUS FOREST Ecology 89 1155-1167 Link
185 Yu Matsuki, Yuji Isagi 2008 Direct Genetic Analysis of Single Pollen Grains in Pollination Studies Sustainability and Biodiversity Assessment on Forest Utilization Options Report 234-238 Link
186 Kaoru Maeto, Shun Kitabatake 2008 Underuse of Coppice Woodlands Decreases the Abundance of Parasitoid Wasps, Potential Natural Enemies of Agricultural and Forest Insects, in Central Japan Sustainability and Biodiversity Assessment on Forest Utilization Options Report 369-374 Link
187 Hajime Tomimatsu & Yoshimichi Hori 2008 Effect of soil moisture on leaf ecophysiology of Parasenecio yatabei, a summer-green herb in a cool–temperate forest understory in Japan Journal of Plant Research 124 43–53 Link
188 Yuichi Yamaura, Susumu Ikeno, Makoto Sano, Kimiko Okabe, Kenichi Ozaki 2009 Bird responses to broad-leaved forest patch area in a plantation landscape across seasons Biological Conservation 142 2155-2165 Link
189 Mitsue Shibata, Satoshi Kikuchi,Hiroshi Tanaka, Masahiro Sueyoshi, Hiroshi Yoshimaru, Kaoru Niiyama 2009 Effects of population density, sex morph, and tree size on reproduction in a heterodichogamous maple, Acer mono, in a temperate forest of Japan Ecological Research 24 1-9 Link
190 Masahiro Aiba, Tohru Nakashizuka 2009 Architectural differences associated with adult stature and wood density in 30 temperate tree species Functional Ecology 23 265-273 Link
191 Hitoshi Tojo 2009 Breeding bird community of the Ogawa Forest Reserve, an old-growth deciduous forest in central Japan Ornitholological Science 8 105-115 Link
192 Satoshi Kikuchi, Mitsue Shibata, Hiroshi Tanaka, Hiroshi Yoshimaru, Kaoru Niiyama 2009 Analysis of the disassortative mating pattern in a heterodichogamous plant, Acer mono Maxim. using microsatellite markers Plant Ecology 204 43-54 Link
193 Hajime Tomimatsu, Jun-ichi Hosoda, Yoshimichi Hori 2009 Differences in the structure, growth and survival of Parasenecio yatabei ramets with contrasting water relations on the slope of a stream bank Plant Species Biology 24 83-91 Link
194 Motohiro Hasegawa, Kenji Fukuyama, Shun'ichi Makino, Isamu Okochi, Hiroshi Tanaka, Kimiko Okabe, Hideki Goto, Takeo Mizoguchi, Tadashi Sakata 2009 Collembolan community in broad-leaved forests and in conifer stands of Cryptomeria japonica in Central Japan Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 44 881-890 Link
195 奥村みほ子, 岩佐真宏, 安田雅俊, 山崎晃司 2009 茨城県におけるヤチネズミEothenomys andersoniの記録 茨城県自然博物館研究報告 12 37-40 Link
196 山崎晃司, 稲葉修 2009 阿武隈山地南部(茨城県・福島県・栃木県)へのツキノワグマの分布域拡大の可能性について 哺乳類科学 49 257-261 Link
197 阿部俊夫, 坂本知己, 田中浩, 壁谷直記, 延廣竜彦, 萩野裕章 2009 落葉模型を用いた林床における斜面下方への落葉移動距離の推定 日本森林学会誌 91 104-110 Link
198 Shigehiro Ishizuka, Tadashi Sakata, Satoshi Sawata, Shigeto Ikeda, Hisao Sakai, Chisato Takenaka, Nobuaki Tamai, Shin-ichi Onodera, Takanori Shimizu, Kensaku Kan-na, Nagaharu Tanaka, Masamichi Takahashi 2009 Methane uptake rates in Japanese forest soils depend on the oxidation ability of topsoil, with a new estimate for global methane uptake in temperate forest Biogeochemistry 92 281-295 Link
199 Kenji Ono, Keizo Hirai, Sayaka Morita, Kenji Ohse, Syuntaro Hiradate 2009 Organic carbon accumulation processes on a forest floor during an early humification stage in a temperate deciduous forest in Japan: Evaluations of chemical compositional changes by 13C NMR and their decomposition rates from litterbag experiment Geoderma 151 351-356 Link
200 石塚 森吉 2009 観測二十年を経て見えてきたもの 日本生態学会誌 59 25-28 Link
201 正木 隆 2009 日本における動物による種子散布の研究と今後の課題 日本生態学会誌 59 13-24 Link
202 Ayako Sawa, Shingo Kaneko, Yuji Isagi, Shigeru Mariko, Takashi Masaki 2010 Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for Prunus verecunda and Prunus grayana (Rosaceae) Conservation Genetics 11 1167-1169 Link
203 Yoshihiro Yamazaki, Shingo Kaneko, Shoji Naoe, Takashi Masaki, Yuji Isagi 2010 Isolation and characterization of 11 microsatellite loci in Swida controversa (Cornaceae) Conservation Genetics Resources 2 145-147 Link
204 Mitsue Shibata, Takashi Masaki, Hiroshi Tanaka, Kaoru Niiyama, Shigeo Iida, Tohru Nakashizuka 2010 Effects of abiotic and biotic factors and stochasticity on tree regeneration in a temperate forest community Ecoscience 17 137-145 Link
205 Regielene S. Gonzales, Tohru Nakashizuka 2010 Broad-leaf species composition in Cryptomeria japonica plantations with respect to distance from natural forest Forest Ecology and Management 259 2133-2140 Link
206 MD A. Maleque, Kaoru Maeto, Shun'ichi Makino, Hideaki Goto, Hiroshi Tanaka, Motohiro Hasegawa, Asako Miyamoto 2010 A chronosequence of understorey parasitic wasp assemblages in secondary broad-leaved forests in a Japanese ‘satoyama’ landscape Insect Conservation and Diversity 3 143-151 Link
207 Takenori Takada, Asako Miyamoto, Shigeaki F. Hasegawa 2010 Derivation of a yearly transition probability matrix for land-use dynamics and its applications Landscape Ecology 25 561-572 Link
208 安田雅俊, 奥村みほ子, 山崎晃司 2010 茨城県北部の小川群落保護林およびその周辺における野生哺乳類の記録 茨城県自然博物館研究報告 13 99-104 Link
209 大野泰宏, 落合博貴 2010 森林のバイオマットがもつ濁水ろ過機能の定量的評価に向けた予備的実験 日本森林学会誌 92 171-175 Link
210 石原正恵, 石田健, 井田秀行, 伊東明, 榎木勉, 大久保達弘, 金子隆之, 金子信博, 倉本恵生, 酒井武, 斉藤哲, 崎尾均, 嵜元道徳, 芝野博文, 杉田久志, 鈴木三男, 高木正博, 高嶋敦史, 武生雅明, 田代直明, 田中信行, 徳地直子, 並川寛司, 新山馨, 西村尚之, 野口麻穂子, 野宮治人, 日浦勉, 藤原章雄, 星野大介, 本間航介, 蒔田明史, 正木隆, 吉岡崇仁, 吉田俊也 2010 モニタリングサイト1000森林・草原調査コアサイト・準コアサイトの毎木調査データの概要 日本生態学会誌 60 111-123 Link
211 Mifuyu Ogawa, Yuichi Yamaura, Shin Abe, Daisuke Hoshino, Kazuhiko Hoshizaki, Shigeo Iida, Toshio Katsuki, Takashi Masaki, Kaoru Niiyama, Satoshi Saito, Takeshi Sakai, Hisashi Sugita, Hiroyuki Tanouchi, Tatsuya Amano, Hisatomo Taki, Kimiko Okabe 2010 Use of two population metrics clarifies biodiversity dynamics in large-scale monitoring: the case of trees in Japanese old-growth forests -The need for multiple population metrics in large-scale monitoring Environmental Monitoring Assessment 178 85-94 Link
212 井上大成 2010 北茨城市小川地域でのツマグロヒョウモンの記録 水戸昆虫研究会会誌「るりぼし」 39 74  
213 HISATOMO TAKI,YUICHI YAMAURA,ISAMU OKOCHI,TAKENARI INOUE,KIMIKO OKABE,SHUN’ICHI MAKINO 2010 Effects of reforestation age on moth assemblages in plantations and naturally regenerated forests Insect Conservation and Diversity 3 257-265 Link
214 Satoshi Yamashita, Tsutomu Hattori, Hisashi Abe 2010 Host preference and species richness of wood-inhabiting aphyllophoraceous fungi in a cool temperate area of Japan Mycologia 102 11-19 Link
215 Shota Sakaguchi, Shogo Sakurai, Michimasa Yamasaki, Yuji Isagi 2010 How did the exposed seafloor function in postglacial northward range expansion of Kalopanax septemlobus? Evidence from ecological niche modelling Ecological Research 25 1183-1195 Link
216 久松正樹 2010 茨城県におけるハナバチ群集と開花植物相の関係 茨城県自然博物館研究報告 13 33-64 Link
217 市原 優, 升屋 勇人, 窪野 高徳 2010 コナラとミズナラの堅果に対する Ciboria batschianaの病原性 日本森林学会誌 92 100-105 Link
218 Shoji Naoe, Shoko Sakai, Ayako Sawa, Takashi Masaki 2011 Seasonal difference in the effects of fragmentation on seed dispersal by birds in Japanese temperate forests Ecological Research 26 301-309 Link
219 Asako Miyamoto, Kaoru Niiyama, Makoto Sano, Hiroshi Tanaka 2011 Changes in forest resource utilization and forest landscapes in the southern Abukuma Mountains, Japan during the twentieth century Journal of Forest Research 16 87-97 Link
220 Satoshi N. Suzuki, Masae I. Ishihara, Masahiro Nakamura, Tsutomu Enoki, Akio Fujiwara, Tsutom Hiura, Kosuke Homma, Daisuke Hoshino, Kazuhiko Hoshizaki, Hideyuki Ida, Ken Ishida, Akira Itoh, Takayuki Kaneko, Kaname Kubota, Koichiro Kuraji, Shigeo Kuramoto, Akifumi Makita, Takashi Masaki, Kanji Namikawa, Kaoru Niiyama, Mahoko Noguchi, Haruto Nomiya, Tatsuhiro Ohkubo, Satoshi Saito, Takeshi Sakai, Michinori Sakimoto, Hitoshi Sakio, Hirofumi Shibano, Hisashi Sugita, Mitsuo Suzuki, Atsushi Takashima, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Naoaki Tashiro, Naoko Tokuchi, Yakushima Forest Environment Conservation Center Yakushima District Forest Office, Toshiya Yoshida, Yumiko Yoshida 2011 Forest stand structure, composition, and dynamics in 34 sites over Japan Ecological Research 26 1007-1008 Link
221 阿部俊夫, 藤枝基久, 壁谷直記, 久保田多余子, 野口宏典, 清水晁, 坪山良夫, 野口正二 2011 小川群落保護林における水文観測報告(2000年8月~2007年9月) 森林総合研究所研究報告 10 291-317 Link
222 Shota Sakaguchi, Yayoi Takeuchi, Michimasa Yamasaki, Shogo Sakurai, Yuji Isagi 2011 Lineage admixture during postglacial range expansion is responsible for the increased gene diversity of Kalopanax septemlobus in a recently colonised territory Heredity 107 338-348 Link
223 Shoji Naoe, Shoko Sakai, Takashi Masaki 2012 Effect of forest shape on habitat selection of birds in a plantation-dominant landscape across seasons: comparison between continuous and strip forests Journal of Forest Research 17 219-223 Link
224 Takashi Masaki, Kazuaki Takahashi, Ayako Sawa, Tomoyuki Kado, Shoji Naoe, Shinsuke Koike, Mitsue Shibata 2012 Fleshy fruit characteristics in a temperate deciduous forest of Japan: how unique are they? Journal of Plant Research 125 103-114 Link
225 Takenari Inoue 2012 Effects of temperature on the development of overwintering immature stages of the near-threatened butterfly Leptalina unicolor (Bremer & Grey) (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) Entomological Science 15 180-188 Link
226 Satoshi N. Suzuki, Masae I. Ishihara, Masahiro Nakamura, Shin Abe, Tsutom Hiura, Kosuke Homma, Motoki Higa, Daisuke Hoshino, Kazuhiko Hoshizaki, Hideyuki Ida, Ken Ishida, Motohiro Kawanishi, Kazutaka Kobayashi, Koichiro Kuraji, Shigeo Kuramoto, Takashi Masaki, Kaoru Niiyama, Mahoko Noguchi, Haruto Nomiya, Satoshi Saito, Takeshi Sakai, Michinori Sakimoto, Hitoshi Sakio, Tamotsu Sato, Hirofumi Shibano, Mitsue Shibata, Maki Suzuki, Atsushi Takashima, Hiroshi Tanaka, Masahiro Takagi, Naoaki Tashiro, Naoko Tokuchi, Toshiya Yoshida, Yumiko Yoshida 2012 Nation-wide litter fall data from 21 forests of the Monitoring Sites 1000 Project in Japan Ecological Research 27 989-990 Link
227 小田牧子, 石岡文生, 正木隆, 栗原孝次 2012 エシェロン階層構造を利用した森林の分割 日本分類学会誌 2 17-31 Link
228 Yamashita S, Hattori T, Tanaka H 2012 Changes in community structure of wood-inhabiting aphyllophoraceous fungi after clear-cutting in a cool temperate zone of Japan: Planted conifer forest versus broad-leaved secondary forest Forest Ecology and Management 283 27-34 Link
229 Kaoru Niiyama, Masaaki Takyu, Satoko Kawarasaki, Mifuyu Ogawa, Tamotsu Sato & Takashi Masaki 2012 Long-Term Monitoring of Natural Forests and Their Database (Forest Dynamics Database: FDDB) Constructed by the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Japan The Biodiversity Observation Network in the Asia-Pacific Region Book 217–227 Link
230 Ichie T, Igarashi S, Kenzo T, Masaki T, Tayasu I. 2013 Are stored carbohydrates necessary for seed production in temperate deciduous trees? Journal of Ecology 101 525-531 Link
231 井上大成, 久松正樹 2013 茨城県でレッドデータ・リストに掲げられたチョウ類の変遷と北茨城市小川地域におけるそれらの近年の個体数変動 茨城県自然博物館研究報告 16 27-39 Link
232 Okabe K 2013 Influence of spatio-temporal resource availability on mushroom mite diversity Experimental and Applied Acarology 61 299-310 Link
233 Haraguchi TF, Uchida M, Shibata Y, Tayasu I 2013 Contributions of detrital subsidies to aboveground spiders during secondary succession, revealed by radiocarbon and stable isotope signatures Oecologia 171 935-944 Link
234 Masayuki Kawahigashi, Kenji Ono, Yasuo Iimura, Nobuhide Fujitake 2013 Investigations of environmental changes based on chemical analyses of humic substances Humic Substances Research 10 1-9 Link
235 Kenji Ono, Syuntaro Hiradate, Sayaka Morita & Keizo Hirai 2013 Fate of organic carbon during decomposition of different litter types in Japan Biogeochemistry 112 7–21 Link
236 Shibata R, Shibata M, Tanaka H, Iida S, Masaki T, Hatta F, Kurokawa H, Nakashizuka T 2014 Interspecific variation in the size-dependent resprouting ability of temperate woody species and its adaptive significance Journal of Ecology 102 209-220 Link
237 村尾未奈, 正木隆, 佐藤明 2014 二次林伐採直後における萠芽枝の物質配分特性と群落の初期発達過程 日本森林学会誌 96 83-92 Link
238 阿部俊夫, 坂本知己, 壁谷直記, 萩野裕章, 延廣竜彦, 野口宏典, 田中浩 2014 北関東の山地斜面における希な樹種を用いた落葉移動距離の解明 森林総合研究所研究報告 13 1-11 Link
239 Masaki T, Hata S, Ide Y 2014 Heterogeneity in soil water and light environments and dispersal limitation: what facilitates tree species coexistence in a temperate forest? Plant Biology 17 449-458 Link
240 Inoue T, Nagai S, Yamashita S, Fadaei H, Ishii R, Okabe K, Taki H, Honda Y, Kajiwara K, Suzuki R 2014 Unmanned aerial survey of fallen trees in a deciduous broadleaved forest in eastern Japan PLOS ONE 9 e109881 Link
241 八木橋勉, 安田雅俊 2014 疑似果実を用いた森林内での鳥散布種子の回収率向上 東北森林科学会誌 19 8-11 Link
242 Koarashi J, Atarashi-Andoh M, Takeuchi E, Nishimura S 2014 Topographic heterogeneity effect on the accumulation of Fukushima-derived radiocesium on forest floor driven by biologically mediated processes Scientific Reports 4 6853 Link
243 Takahiro Nakanishi, Takeshi Matsunaga, Jun Koarashi, MarikoAtarashi-Andoh 2014 137Cs vertical migration in a deciduous forest soil following the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 128 9-14 Link
244 Ishida B, Masaki T, Miyamoto A, Tanaka H, Nakashizuka T. 2015 Projection of the probability of local extinction of canopy tree species in forest landscapes Journal of Forest Research 20 337-346 Link
245 Ishihara MI, Utsugi H, Tanouchi H, Aiba M, Kurokawa H, Onoda Y, Nagano M, Umehara T, Ando M, Miyata R, Hiura T 2015 Efficacy of generic allometric equations for estimating biomass: a test in Japanese natural forests Ecological Applications 25 1433-1466 Link
246 Yamashita S, Hattori T, Lee SS, Okabe K 2015 Estimating the diversity of wood-decaying polypores in tropical lowland rain forests in Malaysia: the effect of sampling strategy Biodiversity and Conservation 24 393-406 Link
247 直江将司 2015 わたしの森林研究 さ・え・ら書房 Book p.141 Link
248 Ami Nakajima, Takashi Masaki, Shinsuke Koike, Koji Yamazaki, Koichi Kaji 2015 Estimation of tree crop size across multiple taxa: generalization of a visual survey method Open Journal of Forestry 5 651-661 Link
249 Tojo H 2015 Seasonality of the bird community in the Ogawa Forest Reserve, an old-growth deciduous forest in central Japan Ornithological Science 14 79-88 Link
250 KIKUCHI Satoshi, SHIBATA Mitsue, TANAKA Hiroshi 2015 Effects of forest fragmentation on the mating system of a cool-temperate heterodichogamous tree Acer mono. Global Ecology and Conservation 3 789-801 Link
251 T. Masaki, S. Hata, Y. Ide 2015 Heterogeneity in soil water and light environments and dispersal limitation: what facilitates tree species coexistence in a temperate forest? Plant Biology 17 449-458 Link
252 MarikoAtarashi-AndohJunKoarashiErinaTakeuchiKatsunoriTsudukiSyusakuNishimuraTakeshiMatsunaga 2015 Catchment-scale distribution of radiocesium air dose rate in a mountainous deciduous forest and its relation to topography Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 147 1-7 Link
253 Satoshi Yamashita, Hayato Masuya, Shin Abe, Takashi Masaki, Kimiko Okabe 2015 Relationship between the decomposition process of coarse woody debris and fungal community structure as detected by high-throughput sequencing in a deciduous broad-leaved forest in Japan PloS one 10 e.0131510 Link
254 Yuzu Sakata,Michimasa Yamasaki 2015 Deer overbrowsing on autumn-flowering plants causes bumblebee decline and impairs pollination service NA 6 1-13 Link
255 Fujitsu A, Masaki T, Naoe S, Koike S 2016 Factors that influence the quantitative seed dispersal effectiveness of avian frugivore behavior in a cool temperate forest Ornithological Science 15 75-84 Link
256 Akiko Fujitsu, Takashi Masaki, Shoji Naoe, Shinsuke Koike 2016 Factors influencing quantitative frugivory among avian species in a cool temperature forest ORNITHOLOGICAL SCIENCE 15 75-84 Link
257 H Mori, T Kamijo, T Masaki 2016 Liana distribution and community structure in an old-growth temperate forest: the relative importance of past disturbances, host trees, and microsite characteristics Plant Ecology 217 1171–1182 Link
258 Rei Shibata,Hiroko Kurokawa,Mitsue Shibata,Hiroshi Tanaka,Shigeo Iida,Takashi Masaki,Tohru Nakashizuka 2016 Relationships between resprouting ability, species traits and resource allocation patterns in woody species in a temperate forest Functional Ecology 30 1205-1215 Link
259 T Igarashi, T Masaki, T Nagaike 2016 Species richness of the understory woody vegetation in Japanese cedar plantations declines with increasing number of rotations Journal of Forest Research 21 291-299 Link
260 Yoshihiro Yamazaki, Shoji Naoe, Takashi Masaki & Yuji Isagi 2016 Temporal variations in seed dispersal patterns of a bird-dispersed tree, Swida controversa (Cornaceae), in a temperate forest Ecological Research 31 165–176 Link
261 Fujio Hyodo, Takashi F. Haraguchi, Muneto Hirobe, Ryunosuke Tateno 2016 Changes in aboveground and belowground properties during secondary natural succession of a cool-temperate forest in Japan Journal of Forest Research 21 170-177 Link
262 Hideki Mori, Saneyoshi Ueno, Asako Matsumoto, Kentaro Uchiyama, Takashi Kamijo, Takashi Masaki and Yoshihiko Tsumura 2016 Development and characterization of 10 microsatellite markers from Wisteria floribunda (Fabaceae) Silvae Genetica (DE GRUYTER) 65 55-58 Link
263 Takashi F. Haraguchi, Ichiro Tayasu 2016 Turnover of Species and Guilds in Shrub Spider Communities in a 100-Year Postlogging Forest Chronosequence Environmental Entomology 45 117–126 Link
264 正木 隆, 中静 透, 新山 馨, 田中 浩, 飯田 滋生 2017 小川試験地における29樹種の胸高直径-樹高関係 森林総合研究所研究報告 442 121–142 Link
265 TetsuroYoshikawa, ShotaHarasawa, YujiIsagi, NatsumiNiikura, ShinsukeKoike, HisatomoTaki, ShojiNaoe, TakashiMasaki 2017 Relative importance of landscape features,stand structural attributes and fruit availability on fruit-eating birds in Japanese forests fragmented by coniferous plantations Biological Conservation 209 356-365 Link
266 Jacob Usinowicz, Chia-Hao Chang-Yang, Yu-Yun Chen, James S. Clark, Christine Fletcher, Nancy C. Garwood, Zhanqing Hao, Jill Johnstone, Yiching Lin, Margaret R. Metz, Takashi Masaki, Tohru Nakashizuka, I-Fang Sun, Renato Valencia, Yunyun Wang, Jess K. Zimmerman, Anthony R. Ives & S. Joseph Wright 2017 Temporal coexistence mechanisms contribute to the latitudinal gradient in forest diversity Nature 550 105-108 Link
267 Hideki Mori, Saneyoshi Ueno, Asako Matsumoto, Kentaro Uchiyama, Takashi Kamijo, Takashi Masaki and Yoshihiko Tsumura 2017 Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers from the RAD sequence of two temperate liana species: Euonymus fortunei (Celastraceae) and Schizophragma hydrangeoides (Hydrangeaceae) Silvae Genetica (DE GRUYTER) 60 40-42 Link
268 直江 将司, 阿部 真, 田中 浩, 赤間 亮夫, 高野 勉, 山崎 良啓, 藤津 亜季子, 原澤 翔太, 正木 隆 2017 コナラ落葉に含まれる放射性セシウムの空間分布に斜面方位と落葉量が与える影響 日本森林学会誌 99 34-40 Link
269 Dayong Fan, Xianming Gao, Yanjun Du, Guozhen Shen, Wenting Xu, Gaoming Xiong, Changming Zhao, Youbing Zhou, Zongqiang Xie 2017 Diversity and representativeness of deciduous woody plants in Shennongjia World Natural Heritage Site, China Biodiversity Science 25 498-303 Link
270 Shoji Naoe, Takashi Masaki, Shoko Sakai 2018 Effects of temporal variation in community-level fruit abundance on seed dispersal by birds across woody species American Journal of Botany 105 1792-1801 Link
271 HR Ishii, S Horikawa, Y Noguchi, W Azuma 2018 Variation of intra-crown leaf plasticity of Fagus crenata across its geographical range in Japan Forest Ecology and Management 429 437-448 Link
272 Hideki Mori, Saneyoshi Ueno, Asako Matsumoto, Takashi Kamijo, Yoshihiko Tsumura, Takashi Masaki 2018 Large contribution of clonal reproduction to the distribution of deciduous liana species (Wisteria floribunda) in an old-growth cool temperate forest: evidence from genetic analysis Annals of Botany 121 359–365 Link
273 五十嵐哲也 2018 針葉樹人工林の木本植物の種多様性を規定する諸要因: 多様性を高める施業に向けて 東京農工大学学位論文 NA NA Link
274 Maki Suzuki, Kiyoshi Umeki, Olga Orman, Mitsue Shibata, Hiroshi Tanaka, Shigeo Iida, Tohru Nakashizuka, Takashi Masaki 2019 When and why do trees begin to decrease their resource allocation to apical growth? The importance of the reproductive onset Oecologia 191 39–49 Link
275 Shuichi Igarashi, Mitsue Shibata, Takashi Masaki, Ichiro Tayasu, Tomoaki Ichie 2019 Mass flowering of Fagus crenata does not depend on the amount of stored carbohydrates in trees Trees-Structure and Fnction. 33 1399–1408 Link
276 Masaki, T., Nakashizuka, T., Niiyama, K., Tanaka, H., Iida, S., Bullock, J. M., Naoe, S. 2019 Impact of the spatial uncertainty of seed dispersal on tree colonization dynamics in a temperate forest Oikos 128 1816-1828 Link
277 日高理恵子、田中浩(対談) 2019 木との距離 画家がみる森、研究者がみる森 季刊森林総研 45 3-7 Link
278 柴田銃江、黒川紘子、新山馨(監修) 2019 森を広く長くみる 季刊森林総研 45 8-13 Link
279 正木隆 2019 季節性と樹種同士の場所取り競争が鍵だった 緯度による種多様性の変化を説明する新理論を提示 季刊森林総研 45 14-15 Link
280 森 英樹, 上條 隆志, 正木 隆 2019 森林群集における木本性つる植物の分布特性とクローン繁殖戦略 日本生態学会誌 69 83-91 Link
281 森 英樹 2019 木本性つる植物フジの空間分布特性とクローン繁殖戦略 森林遺伝育種 8 131-137 Link
282 Harry Watkins 2019 Tough Magnolias for tomorrow’s urban forests: finding genotypes that will weather climate change in Northern Europe University of Sheffield NA 16p Link
283 H. O. Tanaka, T. F. Haraguchi, I. Tayasu & F. Hyodo 2019 Stable and radio-isotopic signatures reveal how the feeding habits of ants respond to natural secondary succession in a cool-temperate forest Insectes Sociaux 66 37-46 Link
284 Hirohiko Nagano, Mariko Atarashi-Andoh, and Jun Koarashi 2019 Effect of dry-wet cycles on carbon dioxide release from two different volcanic ash soils in a Japanese temperate forest SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION 65 523-533 Link
285 Shun'ichi MAKINO and Kimiko OKABE 2019 Trap-nesting bees and wasps and their natural enemies in regenerated broad-leaved forests in central Japan 森林総合研究所研究報告 449 189-194 Link
286 Hideki Mori, Takashi Masaki, Yoshihiro Tsunamoto, Shoji Naoe 2020 Survival rate and environmental response of current-year seedlings of the temperate liana Wisteria floribunda across a heterogeneous environment Journal of Plant Research 133 193-203 Link
287 YoshihiroTsunamoto, ShojiNaoe, TakashiMasaki, YujiIsagi 2020 Different contributions of birds and mammals to seed dispersal of a fleshy-fruited tree Basic and Applied Ecology 43 66-75 Link
288 Takashi Masaki,Shin Abe,Shoji Naoe,Shinsuke Koike,Ami Nakajima,Yui Nemoto &Koji Yamazaki 2020 Horizontal and elevational patterns of masting across multiple species in a steep montane landscape from the perspective of forest mammal management Journal of Forest Research 25 92-100 Link
289 Qing-Wei Wang,Thomas Matthew Robson,Marta Pieristè,Michio Oguro,Riichi Oguchi,Yoshinori Murai,Hiroko Kurokawa 2020 Testing trait plasticity over the range of spectral composition of sunlight in forb species differing in shade tolerance Journal of Ecology 108 1923-1940 Link
290 Shun'ichi MAKINO, Hideaki GOTO, Kimiko OKABE, Takenari INOUE, and Isamu OKOCHI 2020 Aculeate wasp assemblages in naturally regenerating broad-leaved forests and conifer plantations in temperate Japan (Insecta, Hymenoptera) 森林総合研究所研究報告 458 121-128 Link
291 Russell D. Kramer,H. Roaki Ishii,Kelsey R. Carter,Yuko Miyazaki,Molly A. Cavaleri,Masatake G. Araki,Wakana A. Azuma,Yuta Inoue,Chinatsu Hara 2020 Predicting effects of climate change on productivity and persistence of forest trees Ecological Research 35 562-574 Link
292 Takashi Masaki, Ryo Kitagawa, Tohru Nakashizuka, Mitsue Shibata, Hiroshi Tanaka 2021 Interspecific variation in mortality and growth and changes in their relationship with size class in an old-growth temperate forest Ecology and Evolution 11 8869-8881 Link
293 柴田銃江 2021 実生定着と無機的環境 森林学の百科事典 日本森林学会編 丸善、東京 Book 98-99 Link
294 Qing-Wei Wang, Marta Pieristè, Chenggang Liu, Tanaka Kenta, T. Matthew Robson, Hiroko Kurokawa 2021 The contribution of photodegradation to litter decomposition in a temperate forest gap and understorey New Phytologist 229 2625-2636 Link
295 新山馨、柴田銃江、齋藤智之、直江将司 2021 茨城県北部小川試験地におけるササ類3種の30年間の動態 森林総合研究所研究報告 460 339-351 Link
296 Hideki Mori,Saneyoshi Ueno,Takashi Kamijo,Yoshihiko Tsumura,Takashi Masaki 2021 Interspecific variation in clonality in temperate lianas revealed by genetic analysis: Do clonal proliferation processes differ among lianas? Plant Speceies Biology 36 578-588 Link
297 森英樹 2021 木本性つる植物の生態 森林学の百科事典 日本森林学会 編 丸善, 東京 Book 82-83 Link
298 Qing-Wei Wang, Chenggang Liu, Thomas Matthew Robson, HIKOSAKA Kouki, KUROKAWA Hiroko 2021 Leaf density and chemical composition explain variation in leaf mass area with spectral composition among 11 widespread forbs in a common garden Physiologia Plantarum 173(3) 698-708 Link
299 Masakazu Ota, Jun Koarashi 2022 Contamination processes of tree components in Japanese forest ecosystems affected by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident 137Cs fallout Science of The Total Environment 816 151587 Link
300 Qing-Wei Wang, Thomas Matthew Robson, Marta Pieristè, Tanaka Kenta, Wangming Zhou, Hiroko Kurokawa 2022 Canopy structure and phenology modulate the impacts of solar radiation on C and N dynamics during litter decomposition in a temperate forest Science of The Total Environment 820 153185-153185 Link
301 Masahiro Nakamura, Chisato Terada, Kinya Ito, Kazuaki Matsui, Shigeru Niwa, Masae Ishihara, Tanaka Kenta, Tetsuro Yoshikawa, Taku Kadoya, Tsutom Hiura, Hiroyuki Muraoka, Ken Ishida, Naoki Agetsuma, Ryosuke Nakamura, Hitoshi Sakio, Masahiro Takagi, Akira S. Mori, Megumi K. Kimura, Hiroko Kurokawa, Tsutomu Enoki, Tatsuyuki Seino, Atsushi Takashima, Hajime Kobayashi, Kazuho Matsumoto, Koichi Takahashi, Ryunosuke Tateno, Tomohiro Yoshida, Tatsuro Nakaji, Masayuki Maki, Kazutaka Kobayashi, Karibu Fukuzawa, Kazuhiko Hoshizaki, Kazuhide Ohta, Keito Kobayashi, Motohiro Hasegawa, Satoshi N. Suzuki, Michinori Sakimoto, Yoichiro Kitagawa, Akiko Sakai, Hirofumi Kondo, Tomoaki Ichie, Koji Kageyama, Ayaka Hieno, Shogo Kato, Tatsuya Otani, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Tomonori Kume, Kosuke Homma, Koju Kishimoto, Kazuhiko Masaka, Kenta Watanabe, Motomu Toda, Dai Nagamatsu, Yuko Miyazaki, Tamon Yamashita, Naoko Tokuchi 2022 Evaluating the soil microbe community-level physiological profile using EcoPlate and soil properties at 33 forest sites across Japan Ecological Research 37(3) 432-445 Link
302 Maldwyn J. Evans, Philip Barton, Shigeru Niwa, Masashi Soga, Sebastian Seibold, Kazuaki Tsuchiya, Masumi Hisano 2022 Climate-driven divergent long-term trends of forest beetles in Japan Ecology Letters 0 1-13 Link
303 Hiroko Kurokawa, Michio Oguro, Sakino Takayanagi, Masahiro Aiba, Rei Shibata, Makiko Mimura, Hiroshi Yoshimaru, Tohru Nakashizuka 2022 Plant characteristics drive ontogenetic changes in herbivory damage in a temperate forest Journal of Ecology 110 (11) 2772-2784 Link
304 Miki U Ueda, Mizuho Kawabe, Tohru Nakashizuka, Hiroko Kurokawa 2022 Initial leaf litter traits affect soil microbial CO2 production: A laboratory experiment using the leaf litter of 41 temperate deciduous tree species Applied Soil Ecology 180 104605-104605 Link
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